Need To Know About Illinois ADA Codes?
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a comprehensive law that went into effect in 1990 to ensure parking access to individuals with handicaps all around our country. Safeguard Sealcoating will provide expertise for your ADA compliance needs. We will give clear direction on how to conform to your county’s own ADA specifications.
- Since the American Disabilities Act began in 1990, all businesses must have a certain amount of Handicap accessible parking stalls.
- Additional Handicap Van-accessible parking may be required if the dimensions of the parking lot require it.
- All compulsory handicap stalls and pathways have minimal measurement demands which have to be compliant.
When/Where Are Accessible Parking Spaces Required?
- Employee or visitor parking lots (IAC §400.310(c)(1))
- Tenant/visitor/employee parking
- On-street parking
- No requirement for accessible parking in the IAC.
- IDOT – Bureau of Local Roads & Streets. Accessible on-street parking covered in 41-6.04(b).
- PROWAG – Best Practice R309
- An accessible space must be located on the shortest path of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible entrance.
- Specifically, the accessible space is to be installed in the closest parking spaces near the accessible entrance.
Alterations Requiring Accessible Parking Spaces
- Specific modifications of new construction requirements permitted in alterations
- IAC §400.510(e)(10)(C)
- Site improvements and exterior facilities
- All changes, improvements, or maintenance of existing parking lots including sealcoating, resurfacing, remarking, fencing, curbs, walks, and/or landscaping shall provide accessible parking spaces in accordance with Section 400.310(c). In addition, there shall be provided curb ramps as necessary to provide an accessible route to an accessible entrance.
1 to 25 |
1 |
26 to 50 |
2 |
51 to 75 |
3 |
76 to 100 |
4 |
101 to 150 |
5 |
151 to 200 |
6 |
201 to 300 |
7 |
301 to 400 |
8 |
401 to 500 |
9 |
501 to 1000 |
2 percent of total |
1001 and over |
20, plus 1 for each 100, or fraction thereof, over 1000 |
Accessible Parking Spaces Striping, Size and Markings
- Every accessible parking space shall be at least 16 feet wide.
- A space may consist of an 8-foot wide vehicle space and an 8-foot wide diagonally striped access aisle; or
- A space may consist of an 11-foot wide vehicle space and a 5-foot wide diagonally striped access aisle.
- Yellow paint is required.
Accessible Parking Space and Access Aisle
- Parking spaces and access aisle shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 (2%) in all directions.
- IAC §400.310(c)(3).
ADA Standards – Clarification
- Width measurements (parking space and access aisle)
- Measure from the centerline of the pavement markings. §502.1 Exception.
- Exception: Spaces are not adjacent to another space or access aisle – measurement can include full width of the lines. §502.1 Exception.
- Angled parking – access aisle on the passenger side of the parking space - §502.3.4
- Cannot overlap the vehicular way.
ADA Parking Signs (Blue Signs Incorrect in IL) Sign Height = 60” (§502.6 )
Illinois - Accessible Parking Signs
- Accessible space must be designated by an R7-8 sign
- Reserved parking
- International symbol of accessibility
- Sign location
- 5’ from front of space
- 5’from ground to bottom of sign (ADA § 502.6)
- Arrow is optional
- R7-I101 Fine Sign
- Minimum $250 Fine
- A municipality by ordinance can set a higher fine amount up to $350
Attorney General Opinion – 12-003
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, a State agency may need to provide an assigned parking space to an employee with a disability as a reasonable accommodation to ensure that the employee may access the workplace and enjoy the parking benefits provided to employees without disabilities. Ultimately, whether an assigned parking space would be a reasonable accommodation requires a case by-case analysis. But if an agency assigns a parking space to an employee with a disability as a reasonable accommodation, it cannot also count that space to meet the requirements of the Illinois Accessibility Code. The Illinois Accessibility Code mandates that agencies provide a specific number of accessible parking spaces, and the Illinois Vehicle Code, in turn, provides that those spaces must be available to any individual with an accessible parking permit. Based on these provisions, it is my opinion that the required accessible parking spaces may not be designated for employee-only use. Rather, if assigning parking spaces to employees with disabilities causes a State agency’s number of accessible parking spaces to fall below the minimum required by the Illinois Accessibility Code, then the agency must designate additional, properly marked accessible parking spaces for general use by individuals with disabilities.
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